Germ Busters!

Who you gonna call? (PSU students, of course!)

A new, student-led course is providing seniors in the Health and Human Enrichment Cluster with college teaching experience and giving first- and second-years an extremely useful mid-semester credit option, while tapping the expertise of both faculty and professional staff. And if that’s not enough, the predicted outcomes have the potential of benefiting the entire campus.
Germ Busters: Communicable Disease Prevention, is a one-credit, Special Topics course scheduled for the second half of this semester—just in time to impact the onslaught of seasonal coughs and colds. The student-initiated content will be delivered by seniors enrolled in the Health Promotion Skills course, and Professor Suzanne Gaulocher of the Health and Human Enrichment Cluster is the student-teachers’ faculty advisor.

“Facilitating a student-initiated course is one of the most rewarding learning opportunities available to undergrads,” says Professor Gaulocher. “It provides opportunity to learn and teach content and fosters leadership and responsibility.”

This course is modeled after Stanford University’s Student Initiated Courses (SICs), and Paul Brochu of the Office of Environmental Health and Safety is serving as the course’s community partner. Course topics will include germs and staying healthy in flu season; sexual health/safe sex; how to build a health kit; foodborne illness; and hand washing. 

Good luck to all for this great collaboration that will help improve the health of our campus community!

Photo caption: (L-R) Professor Suzanne Gaulocher (faculty advisor) and Student Instructors Jennifer Marcus ’19, Sydney Wacht ’19, Natalie Lydon ’19, Ayla Sheets ’19, Danielle Ahern ’19 (Missing: Alexandra Gould ’19)