Eric Ratinoff

Storytelling as an Effective Communication Tool in Community Building

Thursday March 1st 9:30 – 10:45 AM

Frost Commons

Coffee & Tea provided


This Thursday come to Frost Commons to hear a nationally renowned leader, Eric Ratinoff, speak on the power of storytelling for effective communication and community building. If you are interested in increasing your skills in addressing issues of social justice, community development and health equity, you will leave inspired and equipped with tools to communicate effectively using story.

About Eric:

Eric Ratinoff is the founder of Story First, a strategic storytelling firm that helps organizations get clear about their story and tell it to impact change. Story First works with a wide range of corporate and non-profit clients, including the City of St. Louis, Forward Through Ferguson, the St. Louis Integrated Health Network, the Georgia Tech University Office of Health Promotion, the Ohio Men’s Action Network, Inventive Labs, DaVita Rx, and Newforma.

Eric is a co-founder and principal in The Mouse and the Elephant, a diversity and inclusion training and consulting firm, and authors The Mouse and the Elephant Weekly, a weekly email that provides resources and insights on diversity and inclusion in the workplace. He served as the Executive Editor for the Ferguson Commission report, Forward Through Ferguson, and is a co-author of A Seat at the Table, an award-winning column on diversity and inclusion in the New Hampshire Business Review.

In addition, Eric serves on the Program Advisory Board for the Communication and Media Studies program at Fisher College in Boston, is the lead organizer for TEDxAmoskeagMillyard in Southern New Hampshire, and delivered a talk on storytelling and organizational culture at TEDxCapeMay.

Eric earned his Bachelor of Arts in English at Washington University.

Follow Eric on Twitter at @eric_ratinoff.

Subscribe to The Mouse and the Elephant Weekly at

Sponsored by the Center for Healthy Communities at Plymouth State University.

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