Undergraduate Research Opportunities

Dr. Busanich & undergraduate student Lacey Mailman, PSU Research Symposium April 2013
Dr. Busanich & undergraduate student Lacey Mailman, PSU Research Symposium April 2013

If you are a student in the Health & Human Performance Department at Plymouth State University and would like to get involved in undergraduate research opportunities, multiple opportunities exist. Here are some ways to get involved:

1. Contact the faculty member who conducts and supervises research in your area:

  • Skill acquisition/Biomechanics – Dr. Cheryl Coker, cacoker@plymouth.edu
  • Exercise Physiology – Dr. Ryanne Carmichael, rcarmichael@plymouth.edu

2. Get involved in local, national and international organizations in your field of study

3. Be aware of opportunities that exist at PSU to help support undergraduate research, including:

  • Student Research Advisory Council (SRAC) – Has competitive student research grants to support continuing full-time students for expenses related to conference presentation, academic research, exhibits, performances, and other appropriate endeavors, under the mentorship of a faculty member.
  • PSU Showcase of Excellence – An annual event held on PSU’s campus to support and showcase student research across a variety of disciplines