2015 Faculty Elections – Sample Ballot and Candidate Statements

Nominees for 2015 faculty elections are invited to use this space to post statements concerning their nominations for faculty committees or other elected positions. This is purely voluntary and is intended primarily as a means for newer faculty to introduce themselves to the wider faculty prior to the election (although any faculty nominee should feel free to post a statement). This space is not intended as a Q & A forum.


The Nominating & Balloting Committee

P.S. The current list of nominees and candidate statements follows.

Sample Ballot

Academic Affairs Committee

There are three (3) openings on the Academic Affairs Committee.  The Academic Affairs Committee meets 3rd Mondays 3:45-5:15 and 4th Fridays 2:30-4:00.  In addition, the committee meets on two weekdays in January and again in June to write Probation Contracts and review Severance Appeals.  These terms are for three years.

  • Roger Blake
  • Robert Egbert
  • Patrick May
  • Sam Miller
  • Kelly Swindlehurst

Academic Technology and Online Education Committee

There are three (3) openings on the Academic Technology and Online Education Committee.  The Academic Technology and Online Education Committee meets 2nd Tuesdays at 3:30. These terms are for three years (top 2 positions) or one year.

  • Robin DeRosa
  • Michele Pruyn
  • Anil Waghe

Athletic Council – Male

There are two (2) openings for a male faculty position on the Athletic Council.  The Athletic Council meets 1st Mondays at 2:30. These terms are for three years (top position) or two years.

  • John Donovan
  • Thomas Guarino

Athletic Council – Female

There is one (1) opening for a female faculty position on the Athletic Council.  The Athletic Council meets 1st Mondays at 2:30. This term is for one year.

  • Pam Anneser
  • Shannon Rodgers

Curriculum Committee

There are four (4) openings on the Curriculum Committee.  The Curriculum Committee meets 3rd Fridays at 2:30.  These terms are for three years (top 3 positions) or two years.

  • Lisa Doner
  • Elisabeth Johnston
  • Kimberly Richie
  • Maria Sanders
  • Kurt Schroeder
  • Hilary Swank
  • Roxana Wright

Faculty Welfare Committee

There are three (3) openings on the Faculty Welfare Committee.  The Faculty Welfare Committee meets 2nd Fridays at 2:30.  These terms are for three years (top 2 positions) or one year.

  • Pam Anneser
  • Michelle Fistek
  • Robert Fitzpatrick
  • Kristina Lind

General Education Committee

There are three (3) openings on the General Education Committee.  The General Education Committee meets 2nd and 4th Mondays from 2:30 to 4:00.  These terms are for three years (top 2 positions) or two years.

  • James Stiles
  • [Nominee Needed]
  • [Nominee Needed]

Grievance Resolution Committee

There are two (2) openings on the Grievance Resolution Committee.  The Grievance Resolution Committee meets as needed. These terms are for two years.

  • Robert Heiner
  • Anne Jung-Mathews
  • Marcel Lebrun

Planning/Budget Leadership Group

There are two (2) openings on the Planning/Budgeting Leadership Group.  These terms are for three years.

  • Pam Anneser
  • Roxana Wright

Observers to the Student Senate

There are two (2) openings for Faculty Observers to the Student Senate.  These terms are for one year.

  • [Nominee Needed]
  • [Nominee Needed]

Representative to the PAT Senate

There is one (1) opening for a Faculty Representative to the PAT Senate.  This term is for one year.

  • Lourdes Aviles

Representative to the Board of Trustees

There is one (1) opening for a Faculty Representative to the Board of Trustees.  This term is for one year.

  • [Nominee Needed]

Representative to the Board of Trustees – Financial Affairs

There is one (1) opening for a Faculty Representative to the Board of Trustees’ Financial Affairs Committee.  This term is for one year.

  • [Nominee Needed]

Faculty Speaker Elect

There is one (1) opening for the Faculty Speaker Elect.  This term is for three years (one year as Faculty Speaker Elect, one year as Faculty Speaker, and one year as Parliamentarian).

  • [Nominee Needed]

Candidate Statements

Robin DeRosa, English & Interdiscipinary Studies Departments, Academic Technology and Online Education Committee Candidate

I am running for this committee because of my interest in Open Education, Open Access, and Open Pedagogy. Open Education is a movement to reduce the cost and improve the quality of education for students by using Open Educational Resources (OER), which are openly licensed and freely available for use, revision, remixing, and repurposing. Open Access is about changing academic publishing so that more research is available freely to the public instead of being hidden by publishing companies behind expensive paywalls. Open Pedagogy is about using OER and the philosophy of open collaboration to situate students as producers, rather than consumers, of education. I hope to help strengthen the LTOE/CETL approach that situates thoughtful and empowering pedagogy as the driver for the use of technology in education.

Elisabeth Johnston, Early Childhood Studies Department, Curriculum Committee Candidate

I am running for a position on the Curriculum Committee because I have an interest in learning and understanding the curriculum process at Plymouth State University. Although this is my first year at Plymouth, I am currently an observer on the General Education Committee. This experience has allowed me to gain knowledge about the General Education program and provided me with valuable information to use when advising students. Also, at my previous institution, I was a member of my department’s Curriculum Committee where I helped my colleagues prepare materials for university review.

Shannon Rogers, Environmental Science & Policy Department/Center for the Environment, Athletic Council Candidate

As a former college athlete and team captain, I am excited about the opportunity to be a member of the athletic council. Sports have been an integral part of my own education from a young age and I truly appreciate the many values that can be learned on the playing field, especially how they enrich the classroom and work experience and prepare our students to succeed in their careers and communities.

Kimberly Ritchie, Art Department, Curriculum Committee Candidate

I have spent the past academic year on the Curriculum Committee in a one-year position and have enjoyed my time and work on the committee. I am looking to continue being a part of the committee in a longer term position. I am also currently serving on the URSA Task Force as one of the Curriculum Committee representatives.