The War on Nature

Fall 2012

Tuesday, September 18, 2012 – Factory Farming and Animal Agriculture, and Their Effects on Animals, the Environment, and Human Health: A Vegan Solution

PSU alumna Barbara J. Bonsignore will expose the suffering of fish and livestock that occurs at factory farms, which routinely feed animals hormones, growth stimulants, and antibiotics that devastate the land, pollute our air and water, displace native plants and animals, and threaten human health. She will also highlight the benefits of a vegan diet as a healthy, humane alternative to eating meat and share vegan recipes and menu plans.

A long-time animal rights activist, Bonsignore is director of the New Hampshire Spaying and Altering Service, a non-profit organization she founded to help financially challenged people with the cost of spaying and altering of cats and dogs.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012  – The Low Risk/High Reward of Selling Human Beings

The buying and selling of human beings is a low risk and high reward proposition worldwide. Bridgette Carr will discuss the reality of human trafficking in the United States and identify factors within communities that support the commodification of human beings. She will also highlight some of the successes and failures in the battle to combat human trafficking.

Carr and her students at the Human Trafficking Clinic provide a range of services including representation of both domestic and foreign national human trafficking victims, community education and training, and support for legal and policy reform.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012 – Children in Nature: Rediscovering the Lost Connection

For most of human history, children grew up connected to nature, the land, and the seasons. What happens when that connection is broken, and how can it be restored? Marilyn Wyzga will explore the vital connection between children and nature; the environmental, social, psychological and spiritual implications when that connection is broken; and possible solutions to “nature deficit disorder.”

Wyzga coordinates the New Hampshire Children in Nature Coalition, which she co-founded in 2007, and serves on the leadership team for the Children & Nature Network. For the past two decades she has guided schools in creating habitats and outdoor classrooms.