Supplemental Pay

For questions regarding supplemental pay that appeared in your paycheck, contact the Human Resources office or your hiring department.

Frequently Asked Questions about Supplemental Pay:

When are supplemental pay requests (J-3s) due?

  • J-3s are due into Human Resources the Tuesday prior to the pay period end date.
    • All hiring forms must go to your FSC before arriving at HR by the deadline.

Is there a J-3 Pay Schedule I can follow?

What should I do if I did not receive supplemental pay that should have been in my paycheck?

  • If you were expecting to receive supplemental pay, but it did not appear in your paycheck, you should contact the hiring department to make sure that they have submitted a supplemental pay request form to Human Resources for the job in question.

Supplemental Pay Policy & Forms

PSU Supplemental Pay Policy

J-3 Form